Leaders Are Readers

How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty & Actually Improve Your Reputation
The other day I was standing in the self-checkout line when a man carrying a clipboard approached me and asked, “Who is your energy service provider?” A people-pleaser by nature, I smiled empathetically, looked into the gentleman’s eager eyes, and said, “No. I’m good.” And you know what he did? He moved on to the …

How to Dress for Success, Regardless of What Industry You’re In
What are you wearing right now? No need to blush. The focus of this article is how to dress for success—in any type of work environment—by employing the concept of “enclothed cognition”: the term Psychologists use to describe how what you wear affects your identity. In fact, we witnessed a worldwide identity crisis through fashion …

6 Ways Witnessing Random Acts of Kindness Improves Your Mental Health
You never know when the person standing in front of you is doing all they can to hold it together. So be kind. We’ve all seen different iterations of this same sentiment, but for some reason the raw wording of this version struck me in the heart. (Sometimes those chalkboard signs outside of coffee houses …

One Mistake Businesses Make That Even Disney Can’t Recover From (And How to Avoid It)
There’s a universal law in business: no matter how much you spend on branding, it only takes one person associated with your company to tarnish your reputation. Oftentimes, it’s the first person your customers come into contact with. An employee. A vendor. A delivery person. It doesn’t matter what the person’s title is—to your customers, …

Talk Yourself Out of It: Use This Exercise to Overcome Any Obstacle in Mere Minutes
When confronted with a perceived personal problem, most of us are hardwired to mull it over until we feel completely trapped in our own minds. We go down a rabbit hole and find ourselves experiencing the same adverse effects one experiences when placed in solitary confinement. And the longer we stay there, the more helpless …

The Hybrid Sales Model: How to Build Long-Term Customer Relationships AND Get New Leads
Raise your hand if you’ve never attended a webinar or read a marketing email claiming to increase your lead-conversion rate. I’m quite certain that if I sent out a league of drones right now, none of them would send me footage of a single hand raised. I bet you wouldn’t if I asked whether any …

Your Health Is Your Wealth: What Your Mind & Body Are Trying to Tell You & Why You Should Listen
Imagine if your mind and your body went to couples therapy. Your mind might say to your body: “I have things to do and people counting on me. You are not helping by acting sluggish.” And your body might retort by saying to your mind: “Yeah, well, you never want to go for a walk …

How to Build a Team as Invested in Your Business as You Are
One of the most common questions we get asked by clients is how to hire people who are as invested in your vision as you are. Many say this is what they struggle with most. Sure, hundreds of books have been written on leadership and building collaborative team cultures. But the thing is, most of …

Leaders are Readers: How to Read a Book a Week…Like a Boss
*I’ve been given permission to do a special giveaway at the end of this article that will support your read-to-succeed goal, so if I were you, I’d straighten my spectacles and become one with my chair for a few moments! What do all the leaders of Fortune 500 companies have in common, according to every …

Why Vision Boards Shouldn’t Be Deemed Just Another Fad & How to Create One with Measurable Results
There are two types of people in this world: those who make New Year’s resolutions and those who make a face at the very thought. (Careful, such expressions can cause wrinkles. Just sayin’.) I identify with the former. Moreover, when executed correctly, setting goals at the start of the year can produce remarkable results. The …

The Customer Service Audit: How to Ensure You’re Keeping Your Reputation Intact
I recently asked someone who works in escrow what she felt was the biggest challenge in her industry. She provided me with her thoughts as well as posed this question to her colleagues, including several sales representatives. Interestingly, they had a universal response: “Following up with clients.” As a former account executive, I was half …

Bodies of Water: How Our Words Affect the Cellular Structure of Our Teams
Our bodies are made up of around 60 percent water. The average person speaks about 7,000 words in a day. At first, one fact may not seem to have anything to do with the other. But what if I told you that the words coming out of your mouth and the water you’re sipping when …